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Welcome to Hemolog

The last treatment tracker you’ll ever need.

Log your treatments and get fantastic insights that help you change your habits. What more could you want?
Sign up for free and start using the newest version of Hemolog today!

Learn more about the Hemolog story...

Open source

Hemolog is completely open source. We’ve got a limited number of years to worry about logging. Check out the code on Github.

Free forever

No need to worry about paying for Hemolog. It’s free forever. No sponsorships, pharma companies, or ads. Promise!

Wait...didn’t Hemolog die?

Hemolog’s first incarnation was an iPhone app back in 2011. It was a great start but didn’t do most of what Hemolog 2 can do!

Is this safe?

See for yourself! Your data is stored in Firebase, a trused Google product. You own your data, and it will never be sold.

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