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Development blog about new features, fixes, and updates to Hemolog

Hello world...again

Hemolog is back and better than ever

Hemolog is back! After 8 years, I’ve built a reincarnation of the old iPhone app Hemolog. This time around, it does a bit more than just storing your treatment logs. In this incarnation, Hemolog is now a web app and helps you understand your logs by giving showing you stats.

The original Hemolog was built with the help of a contract developer. This time around I’ve designed and built everything from the ground up with the purpose of being the best place to store your infusion data and learn from it.

High level insights that help you understand your habits

These insights are calculated as you add more data. Filters will allow you to choose different time frames for viewing your data down the road giving you the best most comprehensive view into your treatment history ever. I’ve chosen a few insights that are interesting for me. If you have thoughts on what you would like to see just let me know.

Michael Schultz

Designed and developed by Michael Schultz in Oakland, California.

Start using Hemolog for free.

Michael Schultz
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